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    How Cloud Technology Helps Retailers Achieve Omni-Channel Consistency

    “The retailers that will move ahead of the pack in the coming year are those that can deliver a consistent, clear, clean, simplified, and seamless message across all channels.” That assertion appeared in Deloitte LLP’s “Retail Industry Outlook” last year, and it remains highly relevant today.
    Blog Post

    Tax Transformation is Getting Faster and Easier (Really)

    Francis Bacon once said, “Time is the measure of business.” Bacon’s wise observation from nearly 400 years ago is complemented by some modern wisdom from MIT Sloan Research Scientist George Westerman that Gartner’s Paul Stokes recently tweeted (and I retweeted): CIO[s] must allocate their time not to where the budget is but to where the org is meant to be by shaping it to where it can be.
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    Cloud Technology Accelerates Time-to-Value

    As I’ve written previously, CIOs and other IT leaders are making progress on their journey toward a scenario where IT plays a central role in driving business strategy. Time-to-value (TtV) is a concept that is of interest to tax professionals who are progressing on their own journey to advance the role that tax plays in their companies, and marks an important milestone on this evolutionary path.
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    Retail Tax and E-Commerce: A Complex Plot Thickens

    A lot has changed since Vertex published our Retail Tax and E-Commerce: What You Need to Know white paper a few years ago. Some important tax challenges have remained exactly the same. What's different? The volume of online sales has increased in staggering fashion.
    Blog Post

    Cloud Insights, Part 1: Look to the Cloud for the Future of Tax

    Cloud computing “will be the default way of delivering technology in the future,” according to a recent Forbes column. While this prognostication may sound a tad exaggerated, there is plenty of evidence to support it, including this data point: 69 percent of organisations already use at least one cloud-based software application or use the cloud as part of their IT infrastructure, according to IDG research.
    Blog Post

    Five Reasons Tax Departments are Transforming

    Fewer tax departments are stuck in “the shadows of transformation.” This good news – and vivid language – appears in a Deloitte report that examines tax transformation. One section of the report explains why tax functions are transforming.
    On-Demand Webcast

    Preview the Vertex Indirect Tax O Series solution

    See how Vertex O Series can streamline, simplify, and centralize the indirect tax process – from taxability to calculation to data transparency.

    5 Small Business Tips for Audit Protection

    When it comes to sales & use tax for small to medium-sized businesses, it is critical to understand what makes you compliant, and what puts you at risk.
    Blog Post

    Standardised Global Tax Processing No Longer a Pipe Dream

    Imagine a single technology platform in which a global company’s entire tax processing is performed according to a set of standardised processes … delivering unprecedented levels of transparency, governance and control.
    Blog Post

    Industry Focus: Retail Tax Challenges, Part 1

    “Unprecedented disruption and change” is the phrase that a Deloitte report uses to describe the current state of the retail industry. This extraordinary period of retail-industry disturbance is giving rise to new tax challenges, which in turn are motivating more tax functions to invest in automation to achieve greater efficiencies and free up tax professionals to engage in more valuable activities.

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