Multistate Sales Tax Complexities Require Big and Small Reforms

A new report from the Government Accountability Office offers a path for Congress to address sales tax compliance for online sellers.

A close-up image of hands resting on the keyboard of an open laptop. One hand holds a credit card to examine the numbers on the back. The person who the hands belong to appears to be wearing a blue suit.

Vertex’s Chief Tax Officer, Michael Bernard, weighs in on The Government Accountability Office (GAO) urging Congress to work with states “to establish nationwide parameters for state taxation of remote sales.” Read his thoughts in the full article.

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Sales Tax Rates & Rules Trends 2023

In this podcast, listen to Michael Bernard, V.P. of Tax Content and Chief Tax Officer of Transaction Tax at Vertex, highlight the top emerging trends for sales tax rates and rules so far in 2023.

Two women in work aprons standing in front of their checkout computer in their flower shop. The woman in the foreground is showing her business partner information on a tablet. Light illuminates them from a window in the right side of the image, highlighting greenery and a string of purple flowers.