Strategic Shifts

The Dynamic Role of Emerging Technology in Tax Teams, Processes and Operational Paradigms

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In this comprehensive playbook, experts from Vertex and PwC explore how advanced technologies like AI and automation are revolutionizing tax compliance, enhancing efficiency, and supporting business growth. Learn how to transform your tax team's performance, attract new talent, and navigate the complexities of the evolving tax landscape.

Key Insights Include:

  • The impact of AI and automation on tax operations
  • Strategies for upskilling and reskilling your team
  • The benefits of cloud-based platforms for real-time collaboration
  • How to shift from tactical tasks to strategic advisory roles
  • Overcoming challenges in ERP integration and change management

Fill out your information below to access the playbook.

Our Alliance with PwC

Our industry-leading corporate tax and data management solutions coupled with PwC’s renowned consulting services give clients across the world the opportunity to connect to a more efficient and scalable way of handling tax complexity.

Vertex Inc. offers a variety of resources that cover the latest and greatest in tax and tax technology.