The Cloud Is a Compelling Choice for an Indirect Tax Engine

Cloud-Based Tax Technology automation

Indirect tax engines centralize complex tax calculations across multiple transaction systems, with cloud deployment rapidly becoming the preferred approach. According to a Foundry MarketPulse survey of technology decision-makers involved in indirect tax solution purchases at enterprise organizations, 73% plan to deply a third-party cloud-based tax engine in the future.

View the infographic below for a summary of the research findings and benefits of a cloud approach. Key takeaways:

  • Reducing the burden on IT and cost savings are top drivers for moving financial systems and workloads to the cloud.
  • Using a single cloud platform enables the tax department to ensure consistent tax treatment across transaction systems with minimal support from IT.
  • Increased efficiency, faster access to new functionality, and ease of implementation are the top perceived benefits of a cloud-based indirect tax engine.
  • Vertex is a preferred vendor for its industry leadership, positive reputation, customize-fit solutions, integrated end-to-end tax platform, transparent pricing, and flexible deployment options.

Vertex Indirect Tax O Series

Streamline indirect tax management with deep, proven tax content and software built to scale.

woman on a laptop using vertex tax software