Resource Library

Discover resources designed to guide you through digital transformation and tax complexity. Access white papers, e-books, videos, and more.
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    On-Demand Webcast

    Making the Switch to NetSuite + Vertex

    Learn how NetSuite and Vertex’s integrated cloud-based technology can help your business grow with confidence.
    On-Demand Webcast

    Are you prepared for ViDA?

    Help ensure your business is prepared for the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal – Register today.

    What Companies with Subscription Billing Models Need to Know About Tax

    This eBook was created to help you better understand taxation within a subscription billing model, including: Specific tax challenges that companies with subscription and recurring billing models face — and the consequences of those challenges not being addressed How a tax engine can help resolve those challenges An introduction to Vertex — and our subscription billing partners

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    Discover how our technology solutions and software can help you streamline tax, stay compliant, and grow your business.

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    Business using tax technology solutions