Resource Library

Discover resources designed to guide you through digital transformation and tax complexity. Access white papers, e-books, videos, and more.
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    Blog Post

    Award-Winning Partnership: Acumatica Recognizes Vertex

    Cloud-based ERP provider Acumatica ushered in awards season by recognizing our trusted technology partners for their valuable contributions to our shared customers.
    Blog Post

    A Solution for Tax Engine Implementation Challenges Large and Small

    Businesses are increasingly turning to indirect tax technologies to help them ensure accurate tax determinations, lift the burden of in-house tax research from their shoulders, and provide easy access to all of the data that’s needed if an auditor comes knocking.

    Vertex + Deloitte

    Deloitte's expertise coupled with our leading technology supports businesses as they uncover new challenges and opportunities.
    Data Sheet

    Vertex for Marketplaces

    Simplify invoicing and VAT/GST compliance for your ecommerce marketplace operations.
    Blog Post

    Pervasive ESG in Retail: 4 Building Blocks

    Retailers are increasingly aware that ESG risks and opportunities exist in nearly every branch of operations, and they’re building end-to-end ESG strategies to monitor and respond to them.
    Blog Post

    DIFAL Law Finally Published in Brazil

    In the first week of 2022, the Brazilian President sanctioned Complementary Law 190/2022 to properly regulate the collection of ICMS on interstate operations and services aimed at final consumers.

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    Business using tax technology solutions