Resource Library

Discover resources designed to guide you through digital transformation and tax complexity. Access white papers, e-books, videos, and more.
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    Avoid Tax Exemption Certificate Pitfalls

    Understand where the pitfalls lie, and sure up your certificate management process before the next audit.

    Discover Vertex VAT Compliance

    Watch to learn how Vertex can help you automate VAT reporting to reduce risk and improve tax operations.
    Blog Post

    The success of live streaming and the VAT/GST implications

    With the ongoing pandemic, and the mass cancellation of live shows, new services have started to appear: the live streaming of shows where tickets are sold to customers all over the world for a single event. 
    Data Sheet

    Vertex VAT Compliance

    Learn about a SaaS solution to automate and streamline VAT/GST compliance.

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    Explore Our Solutions

    Discover how our technology solutions and software can help you streamline tax, stay compliant, and grow your business.

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    Business using tax technology solutions