Users Have Spoken: Reviews Reveal High Value of Vertex Solutions
Even advanced technology designed to solve the most difficult problems will not be effective if it’s not created with users in mind. At Vertex, the technology and tax teams work in tandem with industry partners to understand the needs of our customers. Our goal is to deliver solutions that easily integrate into existing systems to not only streamline tax management to ensure compliance, but also elevate the tax function into a strategic business position.
I am proud and humbled to see two of our sales tax offerings consistently recognized as top corporate solutions by G2 Crowd, a B2B software rating firm that identifies best products in various software categories based on direct input from users.
Our Vertex Indirect Tax O Series solution, designed to automate and centralize indirect tax processes, was rated as the top Sales Tax Compliance Software product and placed in the “Leaders” quadrant of the G2 Crowd’s Sales Tax Compliance grid. Vertex Cloud, our cloud-based tax calculation and returns software platform, has held a steady position in G2 Crowd’s Top 3 Corporate Tax Software category, as well as the Corporate Tax “Leaders” quadrant.
Ratings for both categories are based on the market share and customer satisfaction measured across a number of dimensions, including ease of setup and use, software requirements and quality of support.
Users praise Vertex support and the efficiency, security and reduced risk provided by our software, citing “the comfort of knowing that our monthly sales tax filings for various states are all correct and processed on time.”
We appreciate the value that G2 Crowd lends the software selection process and all customers who took time to share their candid comments. The reviews give us valuable insights that we use to continue enhancing our solutions.
You can find Vertex O Series reviews here and Vertex Cloud feedback here.
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